Many Americans accuse people like me of being partisan and judgmental, for stating irrefutable political facts, including most Democrats, and many Republicans.
On Friday’s episode of, “The Jesse Kelly Show,” a caller, “Sean,” called in as a Democrat that listens to conservative radio to acquaint himself with opposing beliefs. He is a military veteran, and an American father.
He expressed his destress with the partisan attitude of so many Americans. He admitted that Democrats treated President Trump with unrelenting disdain, and vitriol, but insisted in assigning some blame to the president for distasteful comments, and public criticisms of Democrats.
While his comments were respectful, polite, and his expressed desire for civil discourse to abound throughout American civil society is commendable, he refused to recognize, or accept a few notable facts.
In my lifetime, every Republican, elected President has faced the continual assault from the media, and Democrat politicians, of evil deeds, and criminal behavior, mostly without evidence.
Democrats, having been elected President, have avoided any scrutiny for misbehavior by Democrats and media, regardless of volumes of public evidence of unscrupulous, if not criminal behavior.
I can remember the Nixon administration, where for many years he was blamed for the Viet Nam war, which Kennedy, and Johnson initiated, and perpetuated our participation in. He was relentlessly derided by media throughout his administration, and forced to resign.
Ronald Reagan was relentlessly verbally assaulted throughout his eight years as President, and insults, and unconfirmed accusations persisted until the day of his death. Not to exclude a nearly successful attempt on his life, by a Democrat.
George H. W. Bush suffered relentless uncivil verbal attacks while President, and the insults, and accusations against G. W. Bush were relentless, until he began criticizing President Trump. GWB is still accused of having “stolen” the 2000 election with the help of the US Supreme Court, though numerous re-counts never produced a victory for Al Gore. Democrats tried for almost two weeks to overturn the election of Bush, violating the clear rules of election integrity, and Florida election law through the Democrat controlled Florida Supreme Court. They constantly tried to change rules of election law to favor Gore, until the US Supreme Court put an end to it. Bush’s win is still denied till today by many Democrats.
President Trump was elected by an incredible majority of the voter districts in America. Clinton received a majority in only the fewest areas in the country, though they were the most populated, and the most dependent on Federal largess.
Once elected, he has suffered relentless criticism, and the use of the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Justice, spies, and many of his own appointees against him. Millions of dollars have been provided, from our tax dollars to assault President Trump, and faithful servants, in punitive legal assaults.
The viciousness of the Democrat party officials, and the dishonesty of their tactics against President Trump, and Americans who support him are relentless. While there have been very few prosecutions of vicious rioters during 2020, for death and destruction at their hands, many concerned citizens who believe that the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump are rotting in jail, some in solitary confinement, for simply being on the Capital grounds on January 6, 2021.
There is truly no comparison between the treatment of Republicans by Democrats, and media, and the treatment of Democrats by Republicans, either in word, or deed. There is no comparison between the violence against Republicans, by Democrats, and the violence against Democrats by Republicans.
Despite Sean’s politeness, and yearning for civility, I believe that his reluctance to admit these facts are akin to calling evil good, and good evil. I too wish that we could have civil discussions, and debates over the policies that govern our nation, but the Democrats that control the levers of government power, WILL NOT HAVE IT. There is simply no comparable sentiment present in the Republican Party.
That precludes the possibility of such a civil discourse as he suggests. I’m not suggesting that we should physically defend our honor, but a little speaking the truth in love is certainly in order, and yea should be yea, and nay should be nay, and steadfastly, regardless of backlash.
Isaiah 5:20
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
God’s word will come to pass, and His warnings are not suggestions.
God bless you, Dave